Post | juni 2023 | 1 min lezen

MASSAGE FOR CARE. Will you join us?

Massage for care

With massage, the Massage for Care foundation is committed to people with whom verbal communication is difficult or less desirable. These are mostly people who deserve our extra attention. Such as elderly people with dementia, people with muscle diseases, people with disabilities, in hospices etc.

Massage is a form in which people can optimally experience one-on-one attention. With Hand- Forearm massage, our masseurs create a special and intense experience. The recipient experiences liberation, love and human dignity. 

Hand- Forearm massage is the most suitable form of massage, because of the low threshold and the

effectiveness. Who wants to join hands and be meaningful in this way?

For now, the foundation focuses on elderly people with dementia. The experience is that these

target group is very happy with our massages. During the massage we come into contact with the

man behind the disease. The disease disappears, as it were, in these moments and paves the way

for joy, rest and enjoyment.

We have the ambition for a national network of masseurs, who want to give these massages.

Building from the Haarlem Zuid Kennemerland region, this can gradually take shape in every region.

There is already a lot of cooperation and enthusiasm from entrepreneurs and private individuals about this initiative

further shape together and make it a successful project, but we also need you.

We welcome people who can massage and people who would like to learn!

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